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Notice of Annual General Meeting



Once more, the AGM will be held by teleconference only, reflecting members preference. You will be able to join either by your own desktop/mobile video or by teleconference.  Dial-in details will be provided when the final notice of meeting is distributed.


Date & Time:

Thursday, 3rd April 2025 at 7.30 pm



Nominations are called for the positions of:

  • National President
  • National Secretary/Treasurer
  • Branch Councillors (Branch Chairmen are ex officio members of Council)


All nominations are to be signed by two Corporate Members and received by the National Secretary/Treasurer by Saturday 29th March.



All remits, for consideration at the Annual General Meeting, are to be signed by two Corporate Members and received by the National Secretary/Treasurer by Saturday 29th March.



  • Apologies
  • Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous AGM
  • President’s Report
  • Financial Report (Refer below)
  • Secretary’s Report
  • Engineering Associates Registration Board Report
  • Election of Officers
    • National President
    • National Secretary/Treasurer
    • Branch Councillors
  • Appointment of Financial Reviewer
  • Setting of 2025 Subscription Rate
  • Appointment Bank Account Signatories
  • Approval for deletion of Members
  • Approval of revised Constitution
  • Consideration of Formal Remits
  • General Business



Minutes of AGM


Held by Video Conference


Thursday 9th May 2024 at 7:35 pm.



Ian Brown, Bennie Gunn, Bruce Hurley, Mark McKinney, Ross Muir, Basil Orr, Peter Over, Malcolm Wheeler


Bruce McMillan

Minutes of Previous AGM

That the minutes of the previous AGM, held on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 7.40 pm be confirmed as a true and accurate record (Bennie Gunn/Ian Brown).


Matters Arising

Nil matters arising from the report.

President’s Report

Not presented.

Secretary’s Report

That Secretary’s Report be accepted (Bruce Hurley/Malcolm Wheeler).


Matters Arising

Nil matters arising from the report.

Financial Report

That Financial Report (see below) be accepted (Bruce Hurley/Mark McKinney).


Matters Arising

Nil matters arising from the report.

EARB Report

That Engineering Associates Registration Board Report be accepted (Bruce Hurley/Ross Muir).


Matters Arising

Nil matters arising from the report.

Election of Officers





National President

Malcolm Wheeler

Ross Muir

Bruce Hurley

Immediate Past President

Ross Muir

Ex Officio

National Secretary/ Treasurer

Bruce Hurley

Mark McKinney

Peter Over

Auckland Branch Councillor

Peter Over

Bruce Hurley

Bennie Gunn

Waikato/BoP Branch Councillor

Ian Brown

Mark McKinney

Gavin Petrie

Palmerston North Branch Councillor

Bill Bool

Mark McKinney

Ian Brown

Wellington Branch Councillor




Christchurch Branch Councillor

Ian Woodhead

Ross Muir

Bennie Gunn

Dunedin Branch Councillor

Terry Thomas

Bruce McMillan


There being only one nomination for each position, all positions were confirmed without the need for elections.  The Wellington Branch Councillor position was unfilled.

Appointment of Financial Reviewer

That the current financial reviewer, Jo Francisco, be reappointed for the 2024 financial year (Bruce Hurley/Ross Muir).



2024 Subscriptions

That the membership subscription rate be maintained at $25.00 for the 2024 financial year (Bruce Hurley/Basil Orr).



Cheque Signatories

That the current payment signatories (Ross Muir/Bruce Hurley/Peter Over/Malcolm Wheeler) be retained (Basil Orr/Mark McKinney).


Although approved as a signatory, the paperwork is yet to be progressed to add Malcom Wheeler as a signatory.

Deletion of Members

That the one Members whose subscriptions have remained unpaid for the past four years have their membership terminated (Bruce Hurley/Ross Muir).

Basil Orr questioned why the period of non-payment was set at three years.  Following a discussion the proposal was amended to read:

That Members whose subscriptions have remained unpaid for the past three years have their membership terminated.



Nil submitted.


General Business

The Spark Foundation

That a donation of $50.00 be made to the Spark Foundation in recognition of making the video conference facilities available the meeting

Auckland VHF Group

That a donation of $50.00 be made to the Auckland VHF Group of the NZART in recognition of their continuing support through their standing invitation for Institute members to attend their meetings and access to their magazine, Spectrum (Ross Muir/Basil Orr)


Incorporated Society Act

Bazil Orr highlighted the Institute needs to reregister under the new Act and that change is coming to the Charty Services Reporting Standards.  Bruce Hurley was aware of the changes and is working through the implications.

The Future of the New Zealand Electronics Institute

Bruce Hurley opened the discussion by noting membership continues to decline with an age profile that is becoming ever older.  Furthermore, the Institute runs a risk of endangering its charitable status if the Ross Muir Awards initiative is not continued.

There was no appetite for winding up the Institute, so the discussion moved to reinvigorating the organisation.

Malcolm Wheeler explained the challenges he has experienced in arranging this year’s Ross Muir Awards.  However, he committed to persist and Ross Muir provided some pointers based on his experience.

Bruce Hurley reported he had approached the Spark Foundation as to whether they would be interested in administering the Awards.  They declined but did provide details of the Perpetual Guardian Foundation commercial offering.  It was cost prohibitive.

Peter Over shared his experiences with the IEEE that has a growing membership and asked the question as to what is the purpose of the Institute?  Among the activities the IEE promotes are:

  • Sections for special interest areas
  • Conferences
  • Prizes
  • Regular in person meetings
  • Supporting STEM activities
  • Encouraging student membership

Malcolm Wheeler related the experiences of the Wellington AREC to encourage a young group of members.  He also suggested a program of site visits.

Armed with a list of suggestions it was decided to ponder on them over the next couple of months before convening a Special General Meeting of the New Zealand Electronics Institute to downsize the list and appoint owners to drive the selected initiatives.  Members are also to be surveyed to capture their views.

Vote of Thanks

Ross Muir proposed vote of thank to the National Secretary/Treasurer (seconded Peter Over) for keeping the Institute’s wheel turning.


No further general business.


The meeting was declared closed at 9:00 pm.



Financial  Reports

First Quarter FY24

Second Quarter FY24

Third Quarter FY24

Full Year FY 24


*  Unaudited

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